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Laravel 11 Installation Example

Last Updated on March 27, 2024 by

Installation of Laravel 11 version on Windows 11, Mac and Ubuntu Server is very easy; A quick step-by-step guide on how to install Laravel 11 applications using composer command.

To install Laravel on your system and server, some dependency software must be already installed in your system and server, which are:

  • PHP version ≥ 8.2
  • PHPUnit version ≥ 10.1
  • Pint
  • Composer
  • Guzzle version ≥ 7.2
  • Termwind
  • Collision version 7
  • Monolog/Monolog version 3
  • Symfony packages upgraded to version 6.3
  • Predis version 2

How to Install and Run Laravel 11

Step 1: Start Your CMD/Terminal

Start your terminal or cmd for install laravel on windows, mac and ubuntu server. And go to server folder using cd command; Something like the following:

Windows 10, 11 xampp user:

cd /xampp/htdocs

Ubuntu user

cd /var/www/html

Step 2: Install Laravel 11 using Composer Command

Now, use composer create-project laravel/laravel myLaravelApp on cmd to install laravel 11 application into your system:

composer create-project laravel/laravel myLaravelApp

Step 3: Run Laravel 11 on Localhost

Use the php artisan serve command to start your server on localhost:

php artisan serve

Now type the following url on browser to test your laravel application installation:


In this example guide, we have covered the laravel 11 installation process using composer.

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